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Seen And Heard: #ToAllTheBoysIveLovedBefore

"There is power in seeing a face that looks like yours do something, be someone. There is power in moving from the sidelines to the center." - #JennyHan, Author . The Rundown: To All The Boys I've Loved Before follows a young girl who writes love letters (AND ADDRESSES THEM!) to her crushes, in order to get over them. Seems silly, but once they're mailed out for real, her life does a complete 180 -- in a good way. . Extra Credit: Read Jenny Hans New York Times article in response to seeing an Asian-American Teen Idol Onscreen. [Link In Bio] . Where To Watch: Netflix


Most Aux Worthy: -- 💌 You're Not Good Enough [#BloodOrange] 💌 G O O D [#ErinMcCarley] 💌 Drunk [#Anteros] 💌 I Like Me Better [#Lauv] 💌 Lovers [#AnnaOfTheNorth] 💌 Everybody Wants To Rule The World[#TearsForFears]


This film has an overload of cuteness and it's nod to famous 80s teen references, automatically makes it an instant teen classic. Netflix, is making major strides in the teen romcom space, and this movie might have just put them in the lead. A huge shout out to author #JennyHan, for putting her foot down and insisting her leading lady remain Asian-American. Major props to the studios for attaching both a female director and screenplay writer to the film as well. . Movies with similar vibes: Kissing Booth, The DUFF, Love Simon, A Cinderella Story . Follow & Obsess: The leading lady:@lanacondor The heartthrob:@ncentineo The film: @toalltheboysivelovedbefore .


DJxDeja Certified . . 📸 : @netflix

This was originally posted on djxdeja, a music discovery journal.


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